First Step Cowork Office Spaces Code of Conduct

  1. Respect and Professionalism
    • Treat all members, guests, and staff with respect and professionalism.
  2. Cleanliness and Tidiness
    • Maintain cleanliness and tidiness in all areas. Dispose of trash properly and leave spaces as you found them.
  3. Noise Levels
    • Keep noise levels to a minimum to avoid disturbing others. Use designated areas for phone calls and meetings.
  4. Use of Facilities
    • Use all facilities and equipment responsibly. Report any damages or issues to the management immediately.
  5. Security and Access
    • Do not share your access credentials with anyone. Ensure doors are closed behind you and report any suspicious activity.
  6. Internet Usage
    • Use the internet responsibly and legally. Avoid downloading large files or accessing inappropriate content.
  7. Booking and Space Usage
    • Book spaces in advance and adhere to the booking times. Do not overstay your allocated time to respect others' bookings.
  8. Drugs, Alcohol, and Prohibited Items
    • Drugs, alcohol, weapons, and any prohibited items are not allowed on the premises.
  9. Personal Conduct
    • Maintain professional behavior at all times. Avoid any conduct that could be deemed inappropriate or offensive.
  10. Community Participation
    • Engage positively with the community. Participate in events and activities that foster collaboration and growth.
  11. Feedback and Suggestions
    • Provide constructive feedback and suggestions to help improve the coworking environment.
  12. Compliance with Laws
    • Adhere to all local laws and regulations while on the premises.
  13. Payment and Membership
    • Ensure timely payment of membership fees and other charges. Adhere to the terms and conditions of your membership.
  14. Termination of Membership
    • Membership may be terminated for violations of the Code of Conduct or other policies.
  15. Guest Policy
    • Inform the management of any guests. Ensure they adhere to the Code of Conduct during their visit.
  16. Privacy and Confidentiality
    • Respect the privacy and confidentiality of others. Do not disclose any personal or business information without consent.
  17. Health and Safety
    • Follow health and safety guidelines. Report any hazards or incidents to the management immediately.
  18. Environmental Responsibility
    • Be mindful of the environment. Reduce waste and conserve resources where possible.
  19. Personal Property
    • Keep track of your personal belongings. First Step is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
  20. Conflict Resolution
    • Resolve conflicts amicably. Seek assistance from the management if needed.
  21. Disclaimer
    • First Step Cowork Office Spaces is not responsible for member-client agreements.